Squared Circle Security Logotype The squared circle security logo in vertical format, showing a scircle becoming a square in 2 dimensions with a depth in grey-scales

About Us

Safely navigating the breakwaters of cybersecurity by bringing together your existing security technology investments and creating value through integration and process maturity.

Square the circle. Many of us facing modern Cybersecurity issues can probably relate to the ancient problem of squaring the circle, as the ever changing threat landscape is seemingly impossible to square off and our best efforts end up with approximations.

Squared Circle Security is your partner set to collaborate and create your custom solution – one that can grow with you and pivot fast when things change.

Our Story

We’re an upstart IT- and Information Security consultancy based in Gothenburg and Stockholm, Sweden. While still new and gearing up, we combine decades of hands-on experience supporting the security needs of enterprise level clients.

We’ve always felt a strong need to be able to deliver and show value in everything we do, especially when it comes to security solution investments and their actual security output. We’ve felt like the security industry was missing crucial steps before and after solution implementation and that is what we’re aiming to rectify with our offerings.

Quite simply; we want to be able to give our customers the tools and know-how to quantify, measure and manage their Security Operations challenges.

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Our Mission

Information Security is full of truisms that often lead to very short lived trends of point solutions that try to “solve” very specific security challenges. As years roll by, the stack of solutions just grows and grows, and we generally tend to be none the wiser about the actual gains to our security postures.

Instead of focusing on ever escalating path of investing into specific vendor turn-key solutions, our approach is based on achieving more holistic security excellence in your security program.

This means bringing together and demystifying the security technology investments you’ve already made and creating value through integration and process maturity.

This is the Way


The company is operated by its founders Mats Kronbladh and Tero Hänninen . Between us, we have more than 40 years of professional experience in our area of expertise. Both of the founders met in 2014 and worked together with early Security Operations offerings at I Secure Sweden AB. While our careers have taken different paths over the years, we’ve always shared the interest and passion in finding ways to improve the value of Security Operations deliveries and finally decided to “throw our hats in the ring” to form a company to address the issues that we’ve been talking about over long phone calls over the previous years.

Mats Kronbladh

Mats Kronbladh

Veresed in the Scandinavian IT-sphere since it’s early days, Mats is a driven business developer with an experienced passion for Information Security.

Tero Hänninen

Tero Hänninen

With a couple of decades worth of practical experience from various parts of IT- and Information Security field, Tero has held various roles within Information-, Application- and Cybersecurity



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