Squared Circle Security Logotype The squared circle security logo in vertical format, showing a scircle becoming a square in 2 dimensions with a depth in grey-scales

Security Services

Creating a secure foundation for the future goes beyond tactics and tools. Our services are focused on helping you find the best mix of both for protecting Your Square

Circle the square. We measure, assess and take a pragmatic approach to solving your security needs, considering the sum of your cybersecurity concerns, such as business strategy and planning, operations and maintenance, defences and controls, technology acquisition, people and training.

Putting the right security controls in place together with your business, we aim to shift your focus and your budget from chasing constant security infrastructure investments towards more strategic and innovative security projects.

Cyber Security Response Readiness

The true value of Security Operations comes from the efficiency of your Incident Response capability. We help you plan, evaluate, improve and manage your Incident Response program. Through use of simulation workshops we can assess and help you score your readiness.

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Security Operations Strategy

We’ll help you map your progress and chart a plan for your Security Operations future. We can also assess and benchmark your current MSSP services and suggest improvements. Our approach will give you the confidence to evolve your SecOps program as your needs change.

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Security Architecture and InfoSec

Finding acceptable levels of risk is complicated. Secure infrastructure is an essential defense against modern attacks. We’ll assist you on your journey by assessing target environments and evaluating how well they meet the needs of modern cybersecurity defense.

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Cyber Security Response Readiness

Many organizations start their Security Operations journey with a strict focus on monitoring and detection but few have acquired appropriate capabilities to react and respond to cybersecurity incidents.

Compromises, attacks and incidents may be detected by various sources, such as the internal IT help desk, infra operations team or a managed hosting service provider – but what is your plan when things get serious? You cannot rely on external IT service providers to manage your security incidents and you should separate your security incidents from your normal IT incident process.

Squared Circle Security will act as your compass through the CSIRT landscape and assist you in establishing an incident response plan with corresponding processes, tools, training and management.

Starting off with a readiness workshop, we will assess your existing preparations and capabilities by scoring the levels in our incident response maturity model.

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Security Operations Strategy

Over the past few years, many organizations have taken the first steps towards their Security Operations program. Some have started to build the capability internally while the majority seems to rely on external parties providing managed security services for detection.

From our viewpoint, the market for managed security services has recently exploded, flooding it with an ever-growing range of superlatives from a never-ending number of marketing departments.

Reality checks are few and far between but when actual service deliveries get scrutinized, expectations for value propositions are often not met. SIEM-centric service designs build up extensive licensing and operational costs, while the value provided seems to go the opposite direction.

We will be your pilot, assist you in navigating your valuable ship through the rough Security Operations waters.

  • Supporting and facilitating your MSSP selection process for managed SOC
  • Reviewing the business value and quality testing the actual delivery of your currently contracted security services suppliers
  • Building the strategy and roadmap for your internal SOC in terms of capabilities, tools and organization
  • Verifying the efficiency of your existing security operations program

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Security Architecture and InfoSec

How do you find the proper level of security? There is no one-size-fits-all product with bells and whistles in our shop!

Information Security is about protecting your business assets and valuables from being stolen, inaccessible or tampered with – by external or internal actors identified through proper threat modelling. Business requirements connected to your information assets are the crucial inputs to a risk analysis process that should manage the security measures to take.

Many investments around security today rely entirely on technology rather than balancing it with people and processes. Quick-fixes and black-boxes are following each other but the holistic view seems to be missing. The easy way out is often to buy yet another fancy security product rather than invest in training your staff or revisiting your processes.

  • We can assist you with threat modelling that maps the unwanted actors and their possible ways to exploit and misuse your valuable information.
  • We can help you transform your business or specific solution requirements into a security architecture with the proper controls spanning people, process and technology.
  • We can assess an existing security architecture – either your own or the one managed by a potential business partner, or a candidate for merger/acquisition.

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